St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Church, Fenton, Michigan is excited to announce the formation of the St. Olga Orthodox Homeschool Co-Op. The Co-Op’s mission is to provide an Orthodox Christian witness in the education of our youth with a vision of providing an ongoing opportunity for our children to come together to develop spiritually, academically and socially. This program is designed for ages 4 and up!
The inaugural meeting of the St. Olga Orthodox Homeschool Co-Op 9-9-2024
Leadership Committee:
Renee Auxier
Natania Hanna
Carol Lizzio
Terri Oginsky
The Co-up will meet on Wednesdays in conjunction with St. Sophia Tot Time (ages 3 and under).
Typical Schedule:
10:00am Divine Liturgy (please watch the parish calendar as Divine Liturgy my shift due to Feast Days*)
11:30am Group Lunch- Parents please pack a nut free lunch for your children.
12:00pm Co-op Activities & Instruction Begins. Tot Time children will be released to play time.
1:30pm Structured Co-op and Tot Time end. Please feel free to stay, play and socialize.
*On Wednesdays when there are no Divine Liturgies, plan to eat lunch at home and arrive at the education center at 12:00pm.
2024-2025 Year
October Theme - Creation
Oct 2- (No Liturgy) Terri O. Lesson “Creating People”
Activities: Show & Tell & All About Me Activity
Getting to know each other
Oct 9- Fr. Gabriel & Maci B. Lesson “Creating Music”
Activites: Music & Making Instruments
Oct 16- Mia H. Lesson “Creating Nature”
Activites: Science Based Activity
Oct 23- Mat. Karina Y. Lesson “Creation of Animals”
Activites: Making Animal Puppets
Oct 30- Outing
Parent Meeting During Lunch then Spicers Orchard
November Theme - Creation Cont.
Nov 6- (no Liturgy) The Archangels
Nov 13- On our Patron Saints
Nov 20- (no Liturgy) Geography & Biomes and the Saints that live there
Nov 27 - Day before Thanksgiving: NO formal instruction but play and social time.
December Theme- TBD
Dec 4- St. Nicholas Cookie Baking
Dec 11- (no Liturgy)
Dec 18-
Dec 25- No Co-op or Tot Time. Please come carol with us after the Divine Liturgy.