“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!” My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!”  My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

So often, we hear these words and are confused.  Why would Jesus, Who is God Himself, say that God has forsaken him? It seems at first glance like a statement of woe and sadness…but in fact, it is the exact opposite.  Our Lord, as He is suffering on the Cross, surrounded by both those who hate him and those who are weeping for Him, used his last breath to remind everyone that what was happening was foretold long ago.

"In A Single Moment": Two Lessons from St. Mary of Egypt

"In A Single Moment": Two Lessons from St. Mary of Egypt

In one moment, a simple harlot, who told us that she destroyed so many lives during for those 17 years of harlotry, became a beacon of hope for the last 1600 years for all those who “miss the mark” in their spiritual lives.  In one moment, St. Mary showed us all what it means, to go from living a life like an animal…constantly allowing our passions and desires to get the best of us…to becoming a true Human Being.

Escaping the Head and Living in the Heart

Escaping the Head and Living in the Heart

…when you came to the Church, you did so with your mind.  You made a decision to visit, to learn about the faith, and to embrace something greater than you had ever known previously.  Now as your journey begins, while the mind will still no doubt play a role, your attention must now turn to the transformation of your heart, which goes beyond logic.