Adult Studies
Listed below are our current and upcoming Adult Education series. You will also find recordings of many of our previous classes.
“Metanoia”- Changing Ones Heart for God!
In a Christian World now littered with various denominations, each teaching a different version of the same Gospel, have you ever wondered or thought about what the earliest Christians taught, how they worshiped, and what they believe? Now is your opportunity to come, discuss, and learn about the fullness of what the Ancient Christian Faith is all about!
This 7 week class will cover the fundamental believes of the Ancient Christian Church, passed down to us from Christ and His Disciples.
Registration is NOW OPEN
All classes begin at 6:30pm*
Wednesday, January 8th: Introduction to Orthodoxy and Holy Tradition
Wednesday, January 15th: What do we believe about God?
Wednesday, January 22nd: What is mankind's purpose in life?
Wednesday, January 29th: What is sin?
Wednesday, February 5th: How do we pray?
Wednesday, February 12th: What did Jesus Christ come here to do?
Wednesday, February 19th: What is the big deal with the Theotokos and the saints?
We will be offering this course in two different ways. You are invited to participate in person here at the Church which is preferred, but we are also going to offer the classes via Zoom. To sign-up for the class via zoom please email the parish office If you plan on attending the classes in person please plan to arrive 10 minutes early as to not disrupt the online recording. We will meet in the parish hall
Previous Offerings…
Panel Discussion on Confession
At the 11th annual Pan-Orthodox charity dinner for Holy Dormition Monastery a panel discussion was held on the topic of Confession. Mother Gabriella, Fr. John Konkle, Fr. Gabriel Bilas and Fr. Matthew Butrie answered questions from those in attendance.
Below you can access either the recorded video or the audio files from the panel.
By the grace of God were were able to collect at total of $8,500 for the sisterhood of Holy Dormition Monastery through the genericity of our Pan-Orthodox Community.
“The Hidden Prayers of the Liturgy” - Winter 2023 Mini-Lecture Series
Download the PDF of the PowerPoint for “Hidden Prayers of the Liturgy” HERE
NOTE: All three classes are in one document.
“Acts after Acts” - Summer 2023 Mini-Lecture Series
Download the PDF handouts and class materials for the “Acts after Acts” Mini-Lecture series HERE
“King Josiah and Repentance” with Fr. Josiah Trenham - Pre-Lenten Reflection 2022
“Early Roots” - Examining the Acts of the Apostles with guest Fr. Stephen De Young - Advent 2020
“The Beginning and the End” - 2019 Fall Lecutre Series
“Let my Prayer Arise” - Evening worship in the Ancient Christian Church 2018
“Let us Pray to the Lord” - A walk through the ancient Christian worship service 2018
Course Archive
Many of our previous Adult Education Courses have been recorded, and can be viewed in our Adult Education Archive.