Join us as we journey through Great Lent as a Parish Family! Below is everything you need to know about Great Lent at St. Mary Magdalene Parish!

Calendar & Schedules

Parish Happenings

Lenten Almsgiving as a Parish

There will be two opportunities for you and your children to give within the parish this lenten season.

1.Breakfast Cereal Drive for the local food bank will take place on Sunday, March 23rd as we celebrate the Sunday of the Cross. We ask that each family in the parish bring in at least one cereal (large bags prefered) to donate. This is a one day collection!

2.Bethany School Pascha Cards- Our children are asked to take part in a sort of letter writing project to the students who attend the The Bethany School in Palestine. They will have an opportunity to color a Resurrection Icon and include a Paschal greeting that will be sent to the girls living at the school. Younger children are asked to simply color a Resurrection Icon while all of our children 1st grade and up are asked to color an icon and write a brief note. All supplies will be made available during church school in the month of March. See Terri Oginsky or your child’s teacher for more information.


Pan-Orthodox Happenings

Passion Week Services Explained

A Brief Guide to Holy Week

Fr. Gabriel Explains | Bridegroom Matins of Great and Holy Monday - Served Palm Sunday Evening

Fr. Gabriel Explains | Bridegroom Matins of Great and Holy Tuesday- Served Holy Monday Evening

Fr. Gabriel Explains | Bridegroom Matins of Great and Holy Wednesday- Served Holy Tuesday Evening

Fr. Gabriel Explains | The Office of Holy Unction- Served Holy Wednesday Evening

Fr. Gabriel Explains | The Institution of the Eucharist- Served Holy Thursday Morning

Fr. Gabriel Explains | The destruction of death through the Crucifixion - Great and Holy Friday

The 12 Passion Gospels read by Priests around or Diocese

Matins of Great & Holy Friday | Served Thursday Evening