Learning What It Means to be Bold in our Faith

Learning What It Means to be Bold in our Faith

“Speak boldly and plainly (not judgmentally) over hot topics like the sanctity of life, marriage, and a true understanding of genders (it’s ok to say that there is, was, and always will be just two!)  This of course has become increasingly difficult to do, because what was once speaking the truth in faith and love to others, has somehow morphed into two labels of people.  Those who are in the wrong are now given the label of “victims” and those who are speaking the truth in love are now given the label of “victimizers. “Even speaking bold truths in love to the world today, comes with a price…and it is a price that, like our Holy Forefathers and Foremothers, we need to be willing to pay.”

Small But Transformative Devotions

Small But Transformative Devotions

We had a wonderful visitation with some of our faithful and catechumens at the Monastery this past week and had a chance after dinner to sit with Mother Macrina, to listen to her speak about what we as Orthodox Christians can take from the monastic way of life. One of the things that she mentioned, was the need to see our entire life, each and every day, through the lens of the Church. Even though we aren’t in Church every day for 7 hours of services, Mother Macrina impressed upon us that it is vital to still keep the memory and the importance of Christ at the forefront of every waking moment of our lives.

Angelic Voices: The Story of St. Romanus

Angelic Voices:  The Story of St. Romanus

“Even before the first Father Adam was formed, when the physical world was first coming into being, the scriptures speak of music: “The Morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy…Music is, in some mysterious way, a part of creation and a part of redemption, such that even heaven is filled with song…and this song, though it begins in time, extends beyond time, and is taken up by the angels and saints forever.” -Metropolitan Tikhon