Myrrhbearer and Equal of the Apostles Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene is the patron and protectress of our church. Read ahead about her life and her presence within our parish worship. We commemorate the Life of St. Mary Magdalene on July 22nd.
The Life of St. Mary Magdalene
Icon of St. Mary Magdalene
The Gospel relates that Mary followed after the Lord, when He went with the Apostles through the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee preaching about the Kingdom of God. Together with the pious women Joanna, wife of Choza (steward of Herod), Susanna and others, she served Him from her own possessions (Luke 8:1-3) and undoubtedly shared with the Apostles the evangelic tasks in common with the other women. The Evangelist Luke, evidently, has her in view together with the other women, stating that at the moment of the Procession of Christ onto Golgotha, when after the Scourging He took on Himself the heavy Cross, collapsing under its weight, the women followed after Him weeping and wailing, but He consoled them. The Gospel relates that Mary Magdalene was present on Golgotha at the moment of the Lord’s Crucifixion. While all the disciples of the Savior ran away, she remained fearlessly at the Cross together with the Mother of God and the Apostle John.
The Evangelists also list among those standing at the Cross the mother of the Apostle James, and Salome, and other women followers of the Lord from Galilee, but all mention Mary Magdalene first. Saint John, in addition to the Mother of God, names only her and Mary Cleopas. This indicates how much she stood out from all the women who gathered around the Lord.
Continue reading about the life of St. Mary Magdalene
A Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene
Candles lit with the icon of St. Mary Magdalene in the background.
Saint Mary Magdalene, thou wast called forth by God and wast blessed to do good deeds for the ministry of Jesus Christ. We pray for thy continual aid to His followers today. Thou who wast a witness of the Crucifixion, let us not crucify anew the Savior but fall before Him in repentance and with gratitude. Thou who wast present at the sepulchre, let us hear the Christ Who calls out our names for deliverance from malice and death. Teach us to serve the Holy Church according to our means and talents, and embolden us to confess Jesus Christ unto all the rulers and the lost of this world. From our heart we say unto thee, “Christ is Risen,” and we implore thine intercession for His great mercy and compassion upon us. Amen
Download the complete Akathist to St. Mary Magdalene
What is an akathist?
An Akathist Hymn (Greek: Ἀκάθιστος Ὕμνος, "unseated hymn") is a type of hymn usually recited by Eastern Orthodox Christians, dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The name derives from the fact that during the chanting of the hymn, or sometimes the whole service, the congregation is expected to remain standing in reverence, without sitting down (ἀ-, a-, "without, not" and κάθισις, káthisis, "sitting"), except for the aged or infirm.
Tone 1:
By keeping His commandments and laws, holy Mary Magdalene, / you followed Christ, Who for our sake was born of the Virgin, / and in celebrating your most holy memory today, / we receive forgiveness of sins by your prayers.
Tone 4:
(Podoben: “Today the Virgin...”)
Standing before the Cross of the Savior, / suffering with the Mother of the Lord, / the most glorious Mary Magdalene / offered praise with tears. / She cried out: “What is this strange wonder? / He Who holds the whole creation in His hand chooses to suffer. / Glory to Your power, O Lord.”
Tone 3:
Standing before the Cross of the Savior, / suffering with the Mother of the Lord, / the most glorious Mary Magdalene offered praise with tears. / She cried out: What is this strange wonder? / He who holds the whole creation in His hand chooses to suffer: / Glory, O Lord to Your power!
Relics of St. Mary Magdalene in front of her icon.
Her Presence In Our Parish
Shortly after the arrival of Fr. Gabriel to our parish, the parish was blessed to house relics of St. Mary Magdalene. The relics came through St. Sabbas Monastery in Harper Woods, Michigan from the Holy Land itself.
Since the time we have received the relics, despite the tremendous difficulties of the world (global pandemic, etc), the parish has seen tremendous growth not only in number, but also in the spiritual lives of the faithful. The presence of St. Mary in our little church in the woods is truly felt by all those who worship, visit, and pray with us on a weekly basis.
Suggested Readings
Here are a few books for children on the life of St. Mary Magdalene