What is the source of our life—what is it that keeps us going? If it is money, power, or beauty, then we will find very quickly that all those things are fleeting. No matter how hard we struggle, none of those things will last forever. And of course, we cannot take any of those things with us when we leave this earthly existence. Nothing we have accumulated in the short spans of our life will extend our time on earth one minute. Therefore, since the things of this world are temporary, we need to change our focus and place it on the one thing that is eternal: Our life in Christ. For as we learn from the Gospel accounts, death is no match for the power of the presence of Christ.
A Thorn in the Flesh: Experiences from Pitesti Prison
Eternity in Blachernae
Lessons from Gennesaret
Christ is the ultimate fisherman. He labors to catch all mankind in His Love for Mankind. Our Lord’s cross is the hook. The net is the warm embrace of the Church, His eternal Kingdom. Our Savior is the master of the expedition…the captain of the ship. He is constantly in charge, and working invisible to move people’s hearts and arranging circumstances in the lives of individuals to help them to find the Church.