What Ails You O Sea, That You Fled? 

What Ails You O Sea, That You Fled? 

The Church, as if mocking the demons themselves, ask in the hymns: What ails you O sea, that you fled?  And you Jordan, that you have turned back?  It is as if the Church is saying to the demons “What’s the matter? Your power is gone…and accounts to nothing when you come face to face with Christ!”  When God commands something into being, it happens.  When he enters battle with the demon gods, there is no battle…simply defeat.  God is victorious!

Learning What It Means to be Bold in our Faith

Learning What It Means to be Bold in our Faith

“Speak boldly and plainly (not judgmentally) over hot topics like the sanctity of life, marriage, and a true understanding of genders (it’s ok to say that there is, was, and always will be just two!)  This of course has become increasingly difficult to do, because what was once speaking the truth in faith and love to others, has somehow morphed into two labels of people.  Those who are in the wrong are now given the label of “victims” and those who are speaking the truth in love are now given the label of “victimizers. “Even speaking bold truths in love to the world today, comes with a price…and it is a price that, like our Holy Forefathers and Foremothers, we need to be willing to pay.”