How can there be such a vast difference in mankind’s attitude towards miracles? How can one person see a miracle and immediately recognize Christ, while others ignore what their eyes see, chalking it up to a mere coincidence? The answer lies in the heart!
Returning to "Normal" is Not an Option
Now, there is a lot of talk about going back to “normal”, back to the way things were before this pandemic began. Is this what we begin to do this morning in the Church? Or do we do as our Lord encouraged the Disciples this morning in the Gospel, to “Lift up our Eyes” and ascend to something greater
Remembering and Sharing our Baptism
Baptism and a New Life in Christ is a tremendous gift, which is why the Church never hesitated to baptize infants from the very beginning. Just because we think a child doesn’t have the cognizant ability to understand the gift of new life, doesn’t mean we withhold the gift! Whether we received the gift at infancy, or whether we came to the Orthodox Church at a point later in life, we have the responsibility to not keep this life to ourselves, but rather share it with all those who we come into contact with.