…Each of us who proclaims the Christian faith have a responsibility for handing on the truth of the Resurrected Christ. We have the responsibility to proclaim Christ Resurrection not only during the Paschal season but throughout the year….
Remembering the Birds of the Air
We are No Longer "Waiting For Pascha"...Now What?
Archbishop Alexander: Learning the Paschal Joy of our Forebearers
This year, we have a choice. We can look at the journey we have been on with bitterness or remorse, or we can grateful for the opportunity to stand with those who have come before us, whose devotion and faith in the face of adversity made it possible for us today to “Glorify Christ Risen from the Dead.”
The Greatest Pascha of our Lifetime
As of this morning, there are over 1.8 million confirmed cases of the Coronavirus throughout the world. Millions of people are out of work. Families are unable to be with their loved ones in the Hospital as they fight to stay alive. The outlook right now is bleak to say the least, but we as Christians have seen this story before. We know from experience how this is all going to play out. Regardless of what has happened or what is to come…Glory will triumph.