For Human Beings, being filled with desires is how we all live our lives. Where we often run into trouble, is where that desire points to, because we often yearn only for the things that we can see with our eyes! We desire certain foods, more money, more possessions, other human beings (which can be both a good and a bad thing). We tend to want only the things that we can touch, taste, smell, hear, or feel, which makes desiring to be with God often difficult to do.
Dcn. Michael Schlaack: Miracles That Show Love
An Orthodox Response to the Tragedy in New York
The image and likeness of God is placed upon every human being from their very beginning, and this is why hearing news (like what happened in New York) strikes a Christian to their core, because to deliberately destroy the image and likeness of unborn children, is to destroy God Himself. This is something that our souls simply cannot understand.
Pure Little Doves
Class is in Session: The First Words of Our Lord's Ministry
“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Imagine the enormity of that statement! God comes to us in the flesh, the Trinity is made manifest, and then Christ comes out and tells us that the only appropriate response to all of these incredible things, is to change the orientation of our lives…and repent.