"So rather than all the nonsense that the world says is so important to our happiness, we should follow St. Paul’s direction, and speak “to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” That is exactly what we do at each Divine Liturgy and every service of the Church. The focus has always been Christ, Who is celebrated without all the trappings. A Christmas with Christ is the one gift that fits all, is the perfect color, and no one will be boxing up to return to the store the next day. Salvation is the gift that you will want to keep this year."
Letting the Glitter Settle
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us strive this advent season not to be called a “fool” by our Lord. Let us not be blinded by all of the noise in our lives, and instead focus on gaining clarity for what the Incarnation means for our lives. If you have not already, practice a daily devotion to God, take a few minutes at the beginning and the end of your busy days to “let the glitter settle”, so that you able to see more clearly what your purpose is in this life.
The Need to "Stop"
Christ in the Midst or Tragedy and Despair
If it has not already, the turbulence of life will eventually catch up to everyone that is sitting here today. And in the midst of grief, if we have not learned to put our complete trust and life in God, nothing will be clear. But if we train ourselves to keep calm…and say, “Lord have mercy”, we will be given the grace to go through life and take whatever comes…because we know that the presence of our Lord has overcome the world.
He did not come to save us from sickness and death…but rather THROUGH sickness and death…and this knowledge will give us the strength to face the trials of life with peace.
Hometown Apostleship
"We may never be called to raise the dead or exercise demons. We may never receive the notoriety of being a passionate saint for Christ. But we should never forget that all great kingdoms are built one small brick at a time. It is when each of these bricks is thoughtfully and carefully placed in just the right spot according to plan that the building begins to take shape. After enough bricks have been laid, the building is complete. It is the same for God’s kingdom on earth. Each of us supplies a single brick that will eventually be part of that great kingdom. And just as the brick does not tell the mason where it wants to go, so too should we be willing to be used as God sees fit, for after all, it is His kingdom that we are building, and not our own."